Monday 9 November 2015

Feeling poem

When I am sad i feel lonely and blue like the empty sea.

When I am jealous I feel like a crocodile sneaky and mean.

When I am mean I feel red hot like tea pot ready to pop.

When I am happy I feel like a bright star dancing at the beautiful  night sky.


Wednesday 10 June 2015


Last week we played Volleyball. The first thing we learned is how to serve . To serve you have to put the ball in the hand you don't write with and the other hand has to under push using your palm. Make sure that it goes over the net. The next thing we learned is dig. To do a dig the other person needs to serve to you to do a dig and then you wrap your hand to the other hand  and your thumbs have to be flat on top. also we learned spike but we really didn't practice it but I still know how to do it so to do a spike you have to be at the front and when the ball goes half over you have to smack the ball but it still needs to go over the net. Also we learned other things but I have forgotten what the names are but here it is so when the ball goes over you kind of catch then you throw it quickly over the net but make it sure that you use your fingers to catch it and that is what we learned and we also had a lot of fun.                                              

Monday 6 April 2015

Our Amazing Assembly

Our assembly was amazing.It was all about tramping in the bush and camping on the field. Our host was Tatiana and Nisha they were great at being the host. Let me tell what happen in my class assembly.We were at the front door, We were waiting for our signal than we tramp to the stage, while we tramp to the stage we sang our song."we are vardon" After we sang our song the bush group went up the stage and the rest sat down on the stairs then we sang another song.The bush group talk about the layers of the forest then the camp group went up the stage and they sang a song.  There were a girl Molika, who didn't know what to wear so we helped her.At the end our class went up the stage and sang a song while we are dancing and that is the end of our assembly.

My 2015 Blog

Hi My name is Avigail and I am in Room 10 at Vardon School. If you take the time to read my blog you will see some of the learning that I have been doing in my class. Please leave a comment if you see something that you like or if you think I could improve on my learning. Thank you. 

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Room 10's assembly

It was room 10's assembly I was there, First we introduced ourselves and then we shared our learning,This is me and Oliver in the photo. While me and Oliver were talking Jordiss and Anaru were dropping paper
helicopters and then my classmates share other things. Then we have to grab our kites for the song and here we are in the photo.
singing our song.
After the song
one of my classmate said
"childen may now take their teachers" and it was funny and when everyone
was gone we had  a photo taken,and here is the photo.                                                                          

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Painting a picture with words

The car went down the road.

The green racing car went fast on the race track .

The kite was in the sky.

The green and orrage kite went higher and higher in the  sunny sky.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Cross-country traning

I'm soo tired I did 3 laps with my friends . In room 10  we been doing the butterfly and it's our course . A butterfly is the field  because the shape is a butterfly .the right wing  is the running one and the other wing is the power  walking one . The other day another class was doing the butterfly but they did it the wrong way so we did it the wrong way because we might crash into them. There were lots of people in the front and we were puffing  and huffing like the big bad wolf. At the end I have dirty shoes because I had run through the mud.